Join Us: Becoming an Antiracist Educator

Join Us: Becoming an Antiracist Educator


Summary: In this introductory workshop, we take the initial step towards answering the essential question, “What is Antiracist Education?” Our facilitators guide us on a journey that traces the history of education and racism in America and the entangled relationship between the two. Our critical work will be rooted in reflection and meaningful discourse as participants engage in deep introspection and identify their own categorical landing as an antiracist educator.

What to Expect: This workshop is the first session of our multi-series training and serves as the foundational work for subsequent sessions. As an introductory course, we take our time engaging in the necessary mindset landscaping that will position us as open and critical learners. We unpack seminal works by experts in the field and begin to build awareness of our individual and collective responsibilities in driving antiracist education.

The guiding questions for our learning are:

  • How has racism shaped our education system?

  • Why is antiracist work critical to my role as an educator?

  • What can I do to begin actively working against racism?

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